About Us

What is Zen Chaos?

We are a leisure time blog that covers hobbies to bring excitement and peace to your soul

No human is one dimensional. Everyone wants pastimes that lights their soul on fire while also having a need to calm the restless, racing thoughts at night. Through a lot of soul searching and a ton of research a group of friends found that these desires often go hand in hand, even though they may seem conflicting at times. We needed to know what to do in the morning to help me calm the residual gamer rage after your tank and dps repeatedly left you, a healer, to defend the point all by yourself. Or how to journal about the dps standing in mechanics then blaming the healer when they die. No, fire does not give a buff.

All joking aside, we began to see how the duality of these needs played a vital role in our happiness. That if we wanted to be happy as a gamer we also had to find ways to be healthy and go outside or “touch grass” as it’s called. We found ourselves looking for things like trips to a comic con as a way of traveling or asking what trails or hikes our in-state gamer friends would recommend for someone who is just starting out so we could exercise. We began to pay close attention to what made us happy while we were off the computer just as much as what we did while we were on it. However, we quickly realized that many of the websites we used for information or research were solely one topic. And not to say that was bad, but we wanted a website that focused on the four topics we had pinpointed that brought us the greatest joy, and that didn’t just support but complimented our lifestyle.

Inspiration for Zen Chaos

This is where the idea of Zen Chaos was born. Gaming. Movies. Travel. Health & Wellness. With gaming as the center point, we found that by taking care of the other three, all four improved. Those are the four principal topics of Zen Chaos. A place where you can find info on what game should be on your wish list, also find recommendations from actual gamers on a stand up desk so you don’t sit the whole time you’re trying to find that annoying player who is camping spawn. A place where we can talk about movies and collectively groan or cheer when movie studios announce which one of our favorite gaming franchises they want to adapt into a movie next. The Last of Us and The Witcher get a pass. Or somewhere where we could find information on an exercise regiment or quick and easy meals we can make so we didn’t have to rely on just hot pockets and energy drinks. Don’t get me wrong, we still have those on occasion but learning the importance of adding even a few healthy meals to your menu can benefit your gaming, your physical, and your mental health so very much.

The aim is for Zen Chaos to be the all in one place that can address and explore that duality all of us have. A website that will discuss not just things to excite your soul, but will talk about how to take care of it. Because learning how to properly handle stress and inculcate healthy physical and mental habits into our daily routine so we could actually sit down and enjoy the time we spend gaming was a life changing experience for us and we’d like to pass that on to as many people as we can. We are by no means finished with this journey, we are constantly learning and refining these habits. So it is our genuine hope that you take this journey with us and the people who will support and contribute to this endeavor. And by the way, we won’t heal you if you stand in fire.

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