Why PC Gamers Should Watch Microsoft’s Attempts to Buyout Activision

What happens when one of the biggest names in tech tries to buy one of the biggest names in gaming?

As PC gamers we already have things to worry about, like troubled launches and terrible movie adaptions of our favorite game franchise. Joking aside, there’s something else more serious on the horizon that may be of particular concert to PC gamers. While news of Microsoft’s proposed purchase of Activision circulated through the gaming community, PC gamers around the world immediately expressed their concerns and worries that the acquisition would lead to negative consequences for their beloved platform. The possibility of a behemoth such as Microsoft acquiring one of the biggest gaming companies in the world has the potential to disrupt the status quo in several ways, and here we’ll review of few of them.

Loss of Diversity: The acquisition of Activision by Microsoft would lead to a loss of diversity in the PC gaming industry as a whole. Microsoft already has a huge presence in the PC gaming world with its Windows operating system, Xbox Games Pass, and Xbox Game Studios. This acquisition would give Microsoft even more control over the gaming industry, which could lead to a lack of innovation and diversity in game development.

Exclusivity: As Microsoft acquires more companies, the likelihood of games becoming exclusive to the Xbox platform increases. This means that PC gamers may miss out on games that are only available on the Xbox platform. The acquisition of Activision would give Microsoft access to a treasure trove of beloved game franchises such as Call of Duty, Diablo, and Overwatch. If Microsoft chooses to make these games exclusive to Xbox or Windows, PC gamers will be in a pretty awkward position.

Monopoly: The acquisition of Activision by Microsoft also raises concerns about antitrust and the potential formation of a gaming monopoly. Microsoft already has a dominant market share in the operating system market and a significant presence in the video game industry. If Microsoft acquires Activision, it would give them even more power, which could have a negative impact on PC gamers in the long run.

Impact on Game Development: The acquisition of Activision by Microsoft could also have an impact on game development. Microsoft could use its new position of power to influence game development decisions or even force its own development studios to produce games in a certain way. This could lead to a lack of creative freedom for developers and ultimately negatively impact the quality of games being produced.

While there are many concerns among PC gamers about the potential acquisition of Activision by Microsoft, it is important to note that there may also be some benefits. For example, Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision could lead to increased investment in game development and the creation of new, exciting game franchises. It could also lead to greater cross-platform compatibility between Xbox and PC games.

However, despite these potential benefits, many PC gamers remain wary of the impact Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision could have on the industry as a whole. Especially when you throw in that Microsoft was also in talks to buy Discord, a popular gaming chat platform. Despite those talks ending according to Discord, that would’ve been quite a large chunk of gamer real estate taken up by the tech company. If Microsoft chooses to make certain games exclusive to their platforms or influences game development in a negative way, it could have a major impact on the gaming industry and decrease the quality and diversity of games available to PC gamers. While some may argue that the acquisition could have benefits for the industry, it is important to consider the potential negative consequences for PC gaming as a whole

What do you think of Microsoft’s proposed acquisition? Let us know in the comments below!

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